By definition a trailblazer is simply a “leader or pioneer in a particular field.” If you’ve studied the history of physical education you’ll be familiar with many of our original trailblazers. These professionals, who broke away from the European influences and created the American system of Physical Education included W.G. Anderson, J.B. Nash, Edward Hitchcock, Clark Hetherington, Luther H. Gulick and the authors of “The New Physical Education,” Thomas Wood and Rosiland Cassidy. This book reshaped Physical Education in 1927 and changed the profession from a medical orientation to a comprehensive, educational approach. These first Physical Education trailblazers pursued different paths and redirected the field to help meet the ever-changing societal demands of their time in history.
This article was originally published on April 1, 2014 : https://www.pheamerica.org/2014/physical-education-trailblazers-a-contemporary-look/
Interestingly, during the evolution of a trailblazer’s work these individuals are often criticized, overlooked, or ridiculed for their different perspectives or theories. A real trailblazer, however, possesses a special sense of conviction and purpose and the ability to persevere even when others have doubted their passion for change and innovation.