Sports Vision Training: 2-Part Article Series
Regardless of the age or skill level of the players at hand, there’s one constant that cannot be ignored: success in basketball comes down to simply making shots. The National Basketball League (NBA) has long been called the “make or miss league,” an adage that reflects on a number of different aspects of pro ball, but strikes home when it comes to shooting. Good shooting comes in many different forms: watch an NBA game and you will see a variety of shooting forms and techniques. While there is an underlying set of concrete fundamentals that all shooters must have, how they implement them can vary. Often overlooked by players and coaches alike, vision plays a substantial role in a shooter’s ability to put the ball in the basket.
“Athletes are always looking for anything that can give them a competitive edge. When asked when they perform at their best, all say that ‘the game slows down.’ In reality, it all starts with vision,” says NBA shooting guard Kareem Rush.