Author: Jonathan Shields

Self-Confidence in Young Athletes: A Guide for Coaches


Sport Psychology in Action: 4-Part Article Series Connecting Research to Practice

Youth sport tends to focus on training to enhance athletic performance. However, the most harmful performance stressors aren’t necessarily based on physical abilities, but rather surround an athlete’s mindset. With their brains and self-awareness still developing, young athletes can find the sporting environment extremely stressful.  Young athletes particularly have a fear of embarrassment or making mistakes which negatively influences decision making, tactical awareness, and perceived ability to successfully perform tasks (decreased self-efficacy). With the right tasks, a coach can influence an athlete’s anxiety levels, enjoyment in sport, and overall sport confidence (Duda & Balaguer, 2007). Therefore, the coach plays an essential role in promoting a positive climate that nurtures progress and in which confidence and self-esteem are positively impacted.