Author: Ann Pulling Kuhn

University of Northern Colorado Unveils a New Online Master’s Program to Prepare Leaders of School-Wide Physical Activity

Schools have been charged to take a whole-of-school approach to promote daily physical activity participation among school-aged youth. A comprehensive school physical activity program (CSPAP) is a guiding model (see figure) for the provision of daily opportunities for students to accumulate 60 minutes or more of physical activity across five components: a) quality physical education, b) physical activity during school, c) physical activity before/after school, d) staff involvement, and e) family/community engagement. Many CSPAP resources, tools and training materials are available through Let’s Move! Active Schools ( to support school professionals in leading CSPAP efforts. Learning experiences are now also being offered within university curricula to help prepare the next generation of school professionals for their role as leaders and supporters of school-wide physical activity promotion.

The Sport and Exercise Science faculty (see table) at the University of Northern Colorado (UNC) have answered the call for CSPAP-enhanced teacher preparation programs by reshaping their Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) program. The M.A.T in Physical Education and Physical Activity Leadership at UNC is one of the first of its kind dedicated to preparing, supporting, and mentoring school champions to effectively implement prolonged CSPAP efforts in and around schools. The two year program is conducted in a convenient hybrid format for working professionals; online courses occur during the fall and spring semesters, and an on-campus two-week summer institute during the summer. The program advances candidates’ knowledge in physical education, while educating them on how to promote school-wide physical activity, coordinate before and after school physical activity opportunities, and increase staff, family, and community involvement. Applications for the first cohort are now being accepted at Physical educators, classroom teachers, and district or school administrators are encouraged to apply. Summer travel scholarships ($1,500 each) are available to nearly all accepted candidates.

Student Perspectives: