Author: Tony Moreno

Advocacy in Action: Strategies to Promote Community Physical Education and Physical Literacy


(2 Minute Read)

Whitehead (2013, p.29) defines physical literacy as “the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activity throughout the life course.” As a concept, physical literacy underpins the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE America) National Standards and Grade level outcomes for K-12 Physical Education (2021). SHAPE America, as an organization, offers support, networking, and educational resources for health and physical educators throughout the United States. At present, the concept of physical literacy offers an opportunity for physical educators to embrace a practical and actionable platform that will advocate for quality physical education in the school setting and opportunities for all-age physical activity throughout the community. The following are three actionable strategies physical educators at all grade levels can adopt to establish and maintain a physically literate community.
