I Write as WomanCoach: A Personal Reflection of a Life in Education and Sport

[2-Part Article Series]


(Editor’s Note: The following is a 2-part series sharing the personal reflection of the author’s life in sport and education. The author is WomanCoach).


WomanCoach was born in 1951. A Boomer born of the Silent Generation. Her father was a German immigrant, served in World War II US Army Air Corps. He was assigned to teach electronics at Yale followed by deployment to the pacific theatre. Her mother, a daughter of the American Revolution. A housewife & mother of five. A courageous and fearless woman of faith who loved to garden. Her father intended that one of his children would attend college. WomanCoach had no idea she would end up teaching in one.

WomanCoach will share her journey in education as a profession. It is her story. The reason we do what we do is unique for each of us; our Why. It comes from within. This woman, this coach, found her why as a child and wasn’t aware of where it would take her.

Her career pathway experiences:  Pre and during teaching: Lifeguard, Waitress, Bartender, Salesclerk, Ski Instructor. Public Education: Secondary PE Teacher/Women’s Head Field Hockey & Softball Coach; Inaugural Season Women’s Flag Football Coach, Department Chair, Athletic Director, Assistant Principal; Currently: College Senior Lecturer/Program Coordinator, Athletic Leadership, College of Education, Clemson University.


She writes as WomanCoach to encourage all human beings to be who they are from within. Her name could be one of many women who have experienced similar life experiences and has little to do with who she is. Teachers/Coaches do what they do from a passion that lives within, fueling their purpose through numerous professions in educational settings.

It is essential for people to feel good about who they are.
I’ve been blessed with numerous role model students & student-athletes, coaches, department chairs, principals, superintendents, athletic directors, peer teacher/coaches, peer college faculty & coaches, and family who challenge, and fuel my freedom to be who I am.
From when the time I was born, my four older brothers were my role models.

My journals have been a personal trainer as I reflect on words written
Over the past half-century.
The thoughts that brought me to this point in my journey
And continue to fuel what I am intended to share.
Finding that the power of life’s goodness & purpose always comes from within.


I refer to them as God Cells. Something I was born with.
Forever in my soul. Growing me in goodness.
It was in my DNA, my soul, to love sports.
What that environment does to bring people together
Without judgment of who we are.
Reading books written by new thought authors in the early 1900s
Profound thoughts of the amazing Universal Power; Energy that fuels our being.
Whatever that is for each of us, respectfully.

“Defining moments require our understanding of ourselves and the world.
In a few seconds…or minutes,
We realize something that might influence
Our lives for decades.”


It is my dream that humans learn to love and respect themselves, one another, and their purpose in the world. The very words we choose are seeds we put into the fertile soil of thought from which the vision for our life journey grows. Trust the source.

Follow the two-part series:
(August 19) Runs Like a Boy
(August 21) It Comes From Within

    • Trevor Pumnea, an email has been sent to you privately from WomanCoach.
      I appreciate our peers and the love that inspires them for what they do.

  1. Dear WomanCoach,
    I read every word, carefully.
    I like how it seems your words transcend most folks’ view of sports, coaching, and teaching.
    It is about personal purpose, being driven by gifts already given upon coming into the world.
    Thanks for to good words.
    As a side note, I love how you are at Clemson.
    I have been to 36 Alabama Football Games and am an Avid Roll Tide Fan.
    It is hard not to be a Clemson Fan, too, given the last several years of football exchanges.
    With gratitude,

    • Mark, a personal email was sent to you when, as with Trevor…I received this message through my Clemson email and responded directly. What a delight reading the thoughts of our peers in this profession. We have such a powerful opportunity for positive influence with our students. Always coming from within. Role Tide…:)
      Thank you for sharing a very important part of you with us!

  2. I am delighted reading this thoroughly twice over! I remember you fondly and ALWAYS looked up to you with awe as my coach and teacher in high school. I’ve taken your advice and applied much of it throughout my lifetime. You made a significant impact on my life and I am forever grateful. Some of the grit and determination I possess today is, in large part, to your guidance and how you pushed me to find my power and use it! Thank you.

    • Amy Anderson, thank you for reaching out about our past. It is ALWAYS about those lives we touch through our coaching/teaching and other professions that allow us to experience meaningful relationships.
      Students in our class send a letter through “snail mail” to a person who has been a powerful influence in their lives and explain why.
      You made my day, Amy and I will send you a personal email to catch up with who Amy is these days:) Stay safe…Always here!

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