50 Million Strong by 2029: Top Recommendations for SHAPE America

(Publisher’s Note: This article is based on a review of feedback submitted by participants of the 50 Million Strong by 2029 Forum held at the 2017 SHAPE America National Convention in Boston. The information in the article has not been previously published but was shared with SHAPE America staff and the BOD soon after the forum.)

During the 2017 SHAPE America 50 Million Strong (50MS) by 2029 Forum, attendees were asked, “What should SHAPE America do to support and accelerate the progress of the 50MS vision?” Following the forum, the suggestions were collected, sorted, and prioritized based on the discussion notes compiled from 27 volunteer note-takers. Presented below are the top categorized recommendations. The forum organizers provided all 10-pages of suggestions to the national SHAPE America organization and its Board of Directors for their consideration and possible action.



Create ways to recognize people who are implementing 50 Million Strong and being successful. The concepts of “recognition” and “praise” are two critical components for creating positive emotions in organizations (Rath & Clifton, 2004). It is vital that 50MS has a recognition program tied to it.  SHAPE America needs to acknowledge physical and health educators who are showing an increase of healthy students in their schools. Educators who are recognized should be invited to share their unique 50MS journey. This can be done through “teacher spotlights” on the blog or website, features on Exchange or in the member newsletter, podcast interviews and recognition at the national, district, and state conferences through discounts on membership. SHAPE America should share with each state organization a list of schools that are successfully implementing programs that work towards 50MS.

Create a platform to celebrate success devoted solely to 50 Million Strong. Provide weekly recognition of physical education programs that are working towards 50MS success. All of us like confirmation that we are doing the right thing. By creating a platform to celebrate successes, ideas can not only be shared but according to Rath & Clifton (2004) recognition will inspire other educators to a) increase their individual productivity, b) increase engagement among their colleagues, c) Stay SHAPE America members.

Marketing & Advertising

Keep 50 Million Strong by 2029 in the headlines of SHAPE America’s conventions, research, workshops, announcements, etc. 50MS must be a principal focus of SHAPE America’s mission through 2029 (and beyond). 50MS must be a vital part of SHAPE America’s mission through 2029 and in all likelihood beyond. It is vital that this vision serves as the foundation for all of the work of the society. All staff should understand and be committed to changing the physical activity and health habits of all of America’s children from pre-k through 12th grade. The vision of 50MS will only remain important if physical and health educators are committed to it and passionate about the idea. If we are going to change the way people think about their health and physical activity, the profession needs to be willing to undergo a paradigm shift. This will not be a quick fix. It will not happen overnight. We must all be committed to this idea.  This is a continuous process that must be sustained.

SHAPE America must share how there are many ways to travel on this journey of health, physical activity, and fitness. There is not just one way but rather “All roads lead to Rome.” Similar to the celebration platform, described previously, SHAPE America should create and administer a webpage where physical and health educators can describe their journey including the opportunities and challenges they faced.  50MS is not a one-size-fits-all program. Each school will have unique ways to attract students into activity and learn how to be healthy while meeting national and local physical education and health standards.

Educating everyone and making information available to all. Although current SHAPE America members understand and value the importance of membership, for 50MS is to succeed it is essential that relevant data, research, and resources are available to everyone in the nation. Position papers and national standards are examples of items that need to be accessible to all. While it is commendable (and vital) that SHAPE America is excited and passionate about being the stewards of the 50MS commitment, it must also ensure that everyone in public, charter, private and home schools have access to ALL resources.

Advertise the electronic membership. Electronic is a way to entice folks in and keep them in. For any organization to thrive it needs members. A strong membership provides an influential voice especially when tied to legislation.  SHAPE America can increase membership by offering electronic and other membership options. Offering lower cost membership options in contrast to only one, full price option has the potential to increase membership. Electronic memberships are another way to bring in more members. Promotion of all types of memberships is vital to increasing our national voice and presence. If SHAPE America offers a membership for any budget, it will develop a healthy, robust professional organization with the type of influence that will secure our 50MS vision.

Seek national attention for 50 Million Strong and SHAPE America through commercials. Making connections with other well-funded groups and agreeing to partnerships will make this strategy viable. Research supports the urgent need for our nation to improve the health and physical activity habits of school-aged youth. 50MS is a bold step in this process. It is urgent SHAPE America finds a partner or sponsor to bring national attention to our vision.  Marketing, specifically commercials or public service announcements, will create awareness and conversations within our school and local communities. Effective marketing strategies will support the role of physical and health educators to increase student learning. These same strategies will draw other stakeholders, who may not have seen a connection to our work into the conversation. This may also include educators from physical and health education who presently feel isolated from available resources.

Professional Development & Resources

Provide links to the many supportive programs that are available. The 50MS website should link to and promote resources that can help health and physical educators. Examples include, but are not limited to the Billion Mile Race, 100 Mile Club, Let’s Move Active Schools, SPARK, EPEC, CSPAP, Hershey’s Run Jump Throw, and many more.

Provide continuing education to all – Show what Best Practice looks like. SHAPE America already has a number of professional development resources that are available to members and non-members. Continuing education is an area to improve and expand upon by producing and revisiting resources that connect to 50MS. If 50MS is to be accomplished by 2029 resources must be made available to members and nonmembers.

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Accountability & Measurement

Sharing how accountability needs to be site based. Accountability is important in making sure every student is 50 Million Strong by 2029. Accountability must be linked to how educators are assessing the progress of student learning goals. An effective assessment system must be developed and maintained.

Research – Coordinate the collection of national data. SHAPE America has the ability of outreach to schools.  Gathering national data to report out on 50 Million Strong’s progress is vital. Data collection is necessary to help us understand if each school program (physical education, health education, physical activities, etc.) is working towards reaching the 50 Million Strong standards.

Teacher Evaluation. Administrators in charge of evaluating health and physical educators and/or health and physical education programs must be connected to SHAPE America’s resources. Evaluators should be given the tools necessary to help understand the qualities displayed in outstanding health and physical education programs. Administrators must know what effective health and physical education teacher looks like. Examples should be tied to research and evidence-based frameworks.

Ensure teachers are accountable for quality health and PE. SHAPE America should continue to share its position papers on what quality physical education programs look like and how health and physical education specialists in our schools lay the groundwork for 50 Million Strong. Those who observe, evaluate and provide feedback to health and physical educators should have access to these position papers.


Continued advocacy nationwide and providing support for districts and states to advocate. SHAPE America can expand upon its advocacy work by connecting with each state to create a joint advocacy mission. States can provide the necessary information to SHAPE America on what is going on in their state and SHAPE America can provide tools for each state to share with its members.

PE teachers are the pillars of the 50 Million Strong. The 50 Million Strong vision starts with health and physical education teachers. If we do not acknowledge those at the grassroots level and provide the necessary supports, 50 Million Strong will not reach a tipping point. 50 Million Strong should be woven into the fabric of everything SHAPE America designs from professional development resources, to instructional materials, and to advocacy tools.

Provide canned slide shows, videos and advocacy tools for presentations to audiences such as superintendents, school boards, principals, and community groups. SHAPE America can directly empower members by providing template slide shows and videos that can be customized to meet a specific audience’s interests and needs. Presentations for superintendents, school boards and principals are needed to start health and physical educators in setting the groundwork for 50 Million Strong in their schools and communities.

CEO, staff, and SHAPE America representatives should attend superintendent, school board, and principal conventions. In order to reach the decision-makers in our school districts, SHAPE America should be present and share its voice at the superintendent, school board, and principal conventions and conferences.

Community Involvement & Partnerships

Parents, hospitals, school boards, educational organizations (partners outside of physical education and health), government organizations. When research or articles are published that pertain to our profession, SHAPE America should use the resource to create connections and partnerships with stakeholders who share a similar interest. For example, in a recent USA Today article on health issues facing our communities, “Overweight kids are costing America Billions,” there was an opportunity to both advocate for quality physical and health education in schools (50 Million Strong) and at the same time connect with PTA/PTO organizations who represent the very families we serve. Well-developed and ongoing partnerships are fundamental to an effective national organization.



Initiate more localized, student leadership training for pre-service teachers to promote the movement and the process of 50MS. Aligning the student leadership training to 50 Million Strong ensures knowledge and continued engagement as these young professionals become leaders in our field. SHAPE America has an opportunity (some may say obligation) to lead the way by reaching out to school districts and PETE programs as partners to create workshops that target young professionals and pre-service teachers.

Ensure that teacher educators in physical and health education stay current and continue to apply/practice that which we are trying to get students to do. Every year there is a turnover of physical and health education teachers. Some retire and some begin their teaching careers. To keep the 50MS vision alive and thriving it is vital that pre-professionals training in our colleges and universities learn about 50MS and are prepared with the knowledge, skills, and motivation to support the vision when they begin their teaching careers. Success depends on the quality of professional preparation programs and the leadership of those involved in education.

Student membership. It is critically important to engage pre-professionals and new teachers with SHAPE America’s vision for the profession. Our suggestion is that every graduating health and physical education teacher should be invited into SHAPE America by giving them a one-year, free electronic membership. This will also provide SHAPE America contact information for each new educator. Let’s get them in the door! Then, let’s keep them with us by engaging them in our mission and listening to their needs and ideas. These young professionals are our future.

Goal Setting & Transparency

Make the journey to the goal transparent and map it out. Informative graphics, created by SHAPE America staff, would clearly convey the 50 Million Strong message and the road laid out to achieve it. As we know, visuals are powerful tools and easy to share with our members and stakeholders across the nation.

What is the end goal of 50MS and how do we get there? SHAPE America must continue to articulate what 50 Million Strong represents. This definition would be most effective if presented in a variety of formats. For example, thoughtful visuals of healthy, active children, meals that are nutritionally sound, research regarding economic savings associated with a healthy lifestyle, increases in diseases connected to a lack of physical activity, and sharing success stories from quality physical and health education classrooms across the country.

Once we are at the end goal – how will we continue momentum to stay 50 Million Strong? Any future action plan developed by SHAPE America should embrace 50 Million Strong beyond 2029. In the years ahead, once success is obtained, research needs to be shared for how the 50 Million Strong initiative succeeded and what must be continued for success long into the future.

Rath, T., & Clifton, D. O. (2004). How full is your bucket? Positive strategies for work and life. New York: Gallup Press


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