HANDS-ONLY CPR Training for Elementary Students

This is the 2ndyear I have been training my K-5 students, at Lincoln Avenue elementary school, in Hands-Only CPR. I am on the Executive Board of Suffolk Zone AHPERD and in the last couple of years we have been running an equipment share program for all our members. Suffolk Zone purchases equipment that our PE teachers have deemed needed but may not have the funds to purchase. We then have our members sign up to borrow the equipment.

Some of the first equipment we purchased for our share were CPR Manikins. Having spent over 20 years as a Lifeguard, Water Safety Instructor and Swimming/ Diving coach, I understand the importance of CPR training. CPR helps to keep blood and oxygen flowing and dramatically increases the chances of survival in those who suffer a cardiac arrest. According to the CDC, “heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S.” According to the American Heart Association, “88% of people who suffer from a cardiac arrest outside of the hospital die. However, when properly and promptly performed, CPR can dramatically improve a person’s chance of survival.”

Anyone can learn CPR and everyone should. Even elementary students!  I teach my students that they are never too young to save a life. Last year I introduced my K-5thgrade students to Hands-Only CPR during their Water Safety Unit. This year I selected February—American Heart Month—for these important lessons.

Hands-Only CPR is CPR without mouth-to-mouth breaths and has been shown to be as effective as CPR with breaths in the first few minutes of out-of-hospital, sudden, cardiac arrest. Seeing a person suddenly collapse in any setting can be frightening to adults and children alike. However, Hands-Only CPR teaches elementary students what to do should they find themselves in such a situation. They have been drilled to remember the two, easy steps: First, call 911 or send someone to call. Second, push hard and fast in the center of the chest.

Within the training sessions, students have been taught to look for signs and symptoms of someone in distress, as well as what to do until help comes. We teach the students to give chest compressions to the beat of the Bee Gees’ disco song Stayin’ Alive. The song is 100 beats per minute which is the minimum rate you should push on the chest during Hands-Only CPR. The tune is very catchy and helps the students remember the rate of compressions.

According to the American Heart Association, “Seventy percent of all out-of-hospital cardiac arrests happen at home.” This raises the likelihood that people called upon to respond are trying to save the life of someone they love. Knowing Hands-Only CPR can give the gift of life.

I believe physical education should be more than learning to be active. We need to teach our students the skills they need to lead a lifetime of health and fitness but it is equally as important to teach them how to save the lives of others. Teaching our elementary students Hands-Only CPR will equip the students with the tools and confidence to act in an emergency and transform themselves from the role of bystander to lifesaver.

These are lesson’s our eager K-5thgrade Lincoln Avenue students have taken to heart.

1 Comment
  1. Hello,
    I teach K-5th in Maryland. I would like to start teaching hands only CPR. I taught Lifeguarding and water safety classes to teens in the past. However, I never taught students this young this skill. Do you have any additional resources you could send me? mdempsey@ccboe.com Thanks in advance.

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