The #PhysEd Chopped Challenge

I love watching cooking competitions. My favorite show is Top Chef, which features chefs competing in a variety of pressure-filled and unpredictable culinary challenges. At the end of each episode, one of the contestants is eliminated from the competition. The chef who creates the best meal during the final episode is named “Top Chef.” I also enjoy watching Chopped. In this fast-paced show, four chefs compete in a three-round contest. During each round (Appetizer, Entrée, and Dessert), the chefs are given a basket of unusual mystery ingredients that are not commonly prepared together. They are expected to use each ingredient and also have access to state-of-the-art cooking equipment and a fully-stocked pantry. A chef is “chopped” from the competition at the end of each round until the judges choose the “Chopped Champion.”

I recently contacted my dear friend, Betsey Caldwell, who teaches physical education at Graham Hill Elementary School in Seattle, WA. I told her that for the past few years I’ve wondered and imagined what a reality-based physical education television game show would look like. Our hilarious conversation took off and we quickly decided to organize and host The #PhysEd Chopped Challenge during the SHAPE America 2018 National Convention in Nashville!

Here is our plan:

Groups of teachers will compete in a three-round contest. Each round (Instant Activity, Skill Lesson, and Review/Closure) will feature a wacky combination of PE equipment. The teachers will be expected to use all of the equipment to create a game or activity that fits into the theme of each round. Three judges will evaluate each activity based on creativity, use of the equipment, and presentation. A group will be “chopped” from the competition at the end of each round until a group of teachers is named “The #PhysEd Chopped Champions.”

If you’re headed to #SHAPENashville and will be there on Tuesday evening, please join us for The #PhysEd Chopped Challenge. We’ll need three esteemed judges, lots of determined (and good-humored) competitors, and enthusiastic spectators. We promise to tweet out updates (and a location for the event) as the date gets closer! If you want to know more feel free to contact me.

  1. What a great idea! I’m not arriving until about 8pm will this still be going on? I would very much like to try to re-create this at our State conference next November, would you be alright with that? Please reach out at your earliest convenience. Best,

  2. Love the idea, however as above am driving in with a friend that Tuesday hoping to make it before dinner time with two more friends coming in the next day.

  3. I would LOVE to be a judge! Being creative is what it is all about- but with an end goal in mind that meets students needs as well as meets standards and student learning objectives. I most definitely will be available Tuesday evening to judge if you would like me!

  4. I did this with my faculty 2 years ago, after I had done it in my PE classes! I had to present to faculty and wanted it to be meaningful to those not in PE, so I had choice options in the exercise to make it meaningful to them! My students love it whenever I roll it out…always different and exciting!

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