LMAS Interactive Infographic Promotional Kit

A new Let’s Move! Active Schools interactive infographic is now available to help schools find physical education and physical activity resources, programs, professional development, grants, training and technical assistance. Please use the assets and messaging below to share the infographic via your newsletters, social media, emails, webinars and trainings.

We encourage you to customize any of the below language to align with your organization’s audiences and priorities.


 Sample Newsletter Blurbs

#1 A New Active Schools Tool for You

Let’s Move! Active Schools is continuing to make it easier to create an Active School! A new interactive infographic is now available to help schools find physical education and physical activity resources, programs, professional development, grants, training and technical assistance. Start by clicking on the Active Schools area you’d like to explore, and then a list of evidenced-based resources will appear. Check it out now.

 #2 Interactive Infographic for Physical Education and Physical Activity Champions

Ever been overwhelmed by the hundreds of physical education and physical activity resources in the space? The recently launched Let’s Move! Active Schools infographic solves this very problem, making it easier to find the programs and resources that will best help your school or district get students moving for at least 60 minutes a day.

This interactive tool is free and can be accessed from any computer, tablet or mobile device with internet. Don’t forget to bookmark the infographic for quick access!

Email Templates

 #1 A New Year, a New Active Schools Infographic for You
Start off 2017 by simplifying and decluttering your physical education and physical activity toolbox with the Let’s Move! Active Schools interactive infographic.

Start by clicking on one of five areas that you’d like to focus on:

  • Physical Education
  • Physical Activity During School
  • Physical Activity Before and After School
  • Staff Involvement
  • Family & Community Engagement

And, then explore the resources, programs, professional development, grants, training and technical assistance that will get your students moving.

TRY OUT THE NEW INFOGRAPHIC NOW: http://www.letsmoveschools.org/resources-grants/

#2 Find the Right Physical Education and Physical Activity Resources for Your School

Ever been overwhelmed by the hundreds of physical education and physical activity programs and resources in the space? Not sure which ones would be best for your school and its students?

The recently launched Let’s Move! Active Schools infographic is here to help, making it easier to find the programs, resources, professional development and grant opportunities that will best help your school or district get students moving for at least 60 minutes a day.

This interactive tool is free and can be accessed from any computer, tablet or mobile device with internet. Don’t forget to bookmark the infographic for quick access!

TRY OUT THE NEW INFOGRAPHIC NOW: http://www.letsmoveschools.org/resources-grants/


  1. Declutter your #physed toolbox with this #ActiveSchools interactive infographic: http://www.letsmoveschools.org/resources-grants/
  1. New interactive infographic = a #physed and physical activity resource matchmaker. Check it out: http://www.letsmoveschools.org/resources-grants/
  1. INFOGRAPHIC to help you find the tools and resources to become an #ActiveSchool. http://www.letsmoveschools.org/resources-grants/
  1. Find the resources you need to increase PE/PA opportunities for students in your school: http://www.letsmoveschools.org/resources-grants/. #ActiveSchools
  1. Active Kids perform better in school. Learn how to create an active classroom with this infographic: http://www.letsmoveschools.org/resources-grants/ #ActiveSchools
  1. Help kids get moving with tips on walking and biking to school, and organizing school events à http://www.letsmoveschools.org/resources-grants/ #ActiveSchools
  1. It’s here. A one-stop shop for all PE/PA resources, grants and professional development: http://www.letsmoveschools.org/resources-grants/
  1. Looking to ramp up CHOOSE ONE: Physical Education/Physical Activity During School/Physical Activity Before and After School/Staff Involvement/Family & Community Engagement? Look no farther than this awesome infographic: http://www.letsmoveschools.org/resources-grants/
  1. You will fall in love with this new #physed and physical activity infographic: http://www.letsmoveschools.org/resources-grants/

Facebook Posts

  1. A “SUPER tool” for CHOOSE ONE: physical educators/physical activity champions/school administrators/parents/other audience.

The start of a New Year is often about the latest and greatest super foods or superhuman workout craze. But this year, it’s about a “SUPER tool” for CHOOSE ONE: physical educators/physical activity champions/school administrators/parents/other audience: the Let’s Move! Active Schools interactive infographic! Check it out now: http://www.letsmoveschools.org/resources-grants/

  1. Are you an Active Schools champion? Explore this interactive infographic to find physical education and physical activity resources, programs, professional development and activation grants for your school or district. #ActiveSchools http://www.letsmoveschools.org/resources-grants/
  1. As CHOOSE ONE: physical educators/physical activity champions/school administrators/parents/other audience, we crave opportunities to expand our skill sets and deepen our knowledge. That’s why we are excited to share a new tool that will streamline all of your physical education and physical activity learning needs… the Let’s Move! Active Schools interactive infographic! http://www.letsmoveschools.org/resources-grants/
  1. Why are Active Schools so important? Because Active Kids Do Better. Physical activity not only helps kids stay healthy and strong, but it can also contribute to higher test scores, improved attendance, better behavior in class, enhanced leadership skills and a lifetime of healthy habits.

Check out this new interactive infographic to find the tools and resources you need to become an Active School à http://www.letsmoveschools.org/resources-grants/

  1. Looking to ramp up CHOOSE ONE: Physical Education/Physical Activity During School/Physical Activity Before and After School/Staff Involvement/Family & Community Engagement for your school and students? Look no farther than this awesome #ActiveSchools infographic: http://www.letsmoveschools.org/resources-grants/

Sample Slide

(This information was provided by LMAS and shared by PHE America. If you have questions please contact LMAS.)

  1. Well done! The ability to navigator easily to find grants and resources will be a great asset to making LMAS the norm culture in American schools.

    Also, like the pictures that are available for download!!

    Thanks for the hard work!

  2. Love the interactive infograph… the information is so easy to access… don’t forget to join the “50 Million Strong by 2029: Shaping Our Professional Future” 50 webinar today!

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