2018 National PE & School Sport Institute Bloggers Wanted!

Thanks! First of all, we would like to thank the 400 folks who attended the 2017 National PE & School Sport Institute this summer.  We were overwhelmed to have such a large group of terrific participants representing 37 different states and 10 foreign countries.  Many thanks to everyone who was able to attend, participate or present, and for sharing your insights with all of us!

Mark Your Calendars! The 2018 dates have been set for July 23-25, 2018. As always, we will gather on the beautiful, hill-top campus of the University of North Carolina Asheville during this time.  We are very fortunate to have all of the many unique and special tourist attractions that the City of Asheville affords as a comfortable backdrop for this annual summer event.

#PEGeek Bloggers Wanted!  This year, we are looking for individuals to serve as “Institute Bloggers.”  Job titles for these coveted positions include:

  • “First-Time Attendee Bloggers”
  • “Foreign Correspondent Bloggers”
  • “Exhibitor Products Bloggers”
  • “Socials Bloggers”
  • “At-Large Bloggers.”

At this point, we are very pleased to have the following individuals on-board, but we can always use more assistance!

  • Pete “Cap’n Pete” Charrette (Georgia),
  • Betsey Caldwell (Vermont),
  • Charlie Rizzuto (New York), and
  • Ryan Fahey (Abu Dhabi).

Contact:  If blogging is “your thing,” please send me a quick e-mail (artie@greatactivities.net).  Many thanks!


To learn more about the National PE & School Sport Institute, to watch videos of past keynote presenters, or to get a better idea of the program and how attending the 2018 Institute can help improve your program, please visit the website or contact me (artie@greatactivities.net) directly. Thanks!

1 Comment
  1. We are also looking for a few individuals to serve as “In & About Asheville” bloggers to alert folks to new and favorite places (restaurants, art shops, beer joints, antique malls) to visit while attending the Institute. If this is of interest, please e-mail me (artie@greatactivities.net) as well. Thanks!

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