Join PEPEPTalk in Supporting National Physical Education and Sport Week May 1-7

It’s time for all physical educators to celebrate National Physical Education and Sport Week, May 1-7th. This special week focuses on sharing, improving and celebrating the schools, classes, children and families that benefit daily from the work of America’s health and physical education teachers. Learn more about what teachers can do to help celebrate this week with their students here:

At PEPEPTalk (pronounced PE Pep Talk) we believe it is important not only to celebrate the value of physical education classes and what more and more teachers are doing to succeed with SHAPE America’s 50 Million Strong commitment, but also to celebrate the hands that mold and the feet that guide this critically important work.

Health and physical education teachers play such a vital role in preparing today’s youth for healthy, productive, and happy future lives. At PEPTalk we are striving to validate, encourage and celebrate the work of our teachers. PEPEPTalk provides teachers with resources to help keep the teaching fire burning, and for those who need it a way to reignite the lost flame.

As an online resource, PEPEPTalk is intended to be a platform or stage for those who would like to add their own voice to the growing number of ambassadors who support health and physical education teachers’ efforts to shape America one student at a time. Helping our children learn to value their body, the environment they live in, and to understand the inseparable connection between the two.

Physical and healthy education classes are the one place in America’s public schools where students learn how to take care of the most important thing in their lives – their health! Today, with the future of our nation threatened by the dire debilitating consequences of increasingly sedentary living and unhealthy eating, it’s more important than ever for everyone to support the work of physical educators and health educators.

Take Action!

During this year’s National Physical Education and Sport Week, PEPEPTalk encourages each of you to dedicate some of your time to demonstrate your support for a physical education teacher. What might this look like? Here are some ideas:

  • Send your past or your child’s physical education teacher a ‘Thank You’ note, letter or Email.
  • Volunteer your time, talent or resources to a physical education program
  • Write a letter to your school district’s superintendent in support of quality physical education.
  • Create and submit a video to PEPEPTalk sharing why you value the work of our health and physical education teachers.

PEPEPTalk will be doing its part to celebrate National Physical Education and Sport Week by launching at least one new PEPEPTalk video each day. PEPEPTalk videos are a pep talkers way of joining the cause and supporting physical educators and health educators who are positioned best to equip the 50 million students in today’s public schools with the knowledge, habits, skills, and desire to live healthy and active lifestyles.

When watching the short videos you’ll hear shout-outs of gratitude from families, professional athletes, school leaders, medical doctors, and TV personalities illustrating how much they value physical education and health education teachers. PEPEPTalk will share their passionate, 1-3 minute videos with the world. We hope these testimonies will inspire others to support health and physical educators everywhere who bring these classes and schools to life.

Get and Stay Connected

To stay connected with PEPEPTalk we encourage you to become a SHAPE America member. All videos are shared on the SHAPE America Exchange, an online community for SHAPE America members. By becoming a SHAPE America member you will be joining the team to SHAPE 50 Million and will be able to receive all communications about PEPEPTalk through the Exchange.

Everyone from around the world is welcome to become a member of SHAPE America. Even if you are not an American or work as a health and physical educator we would be delighted to have you join our team. Another way to stay connected is through Social Media such as subscribing to the PEPETalk Channel on YouTube, following @PEPEPTalk on Twitter, and liking the page on Facebook “PEPEPTalk Facebook Page

PEPEPTalk is a volunteer led initiative has no employees, only customers who receive a free product. If you are interested in becoming more involved in the project as a pep talker, reaching out to a future pep talker, or want to be on the team who shares the PEPEPTalk videos of gratitude with the world’s health and physical education teachers, reach out to PEPEPTalk at Your efforts as an ambassador are what are making this grass roots initiative come to life.

And Finally…

To health and physical education teachers everywhere – THANK YOU for your daily efforts to help #SHAPE50Million.

We look forward to being able to continue to reach you with heart felt ‘Thank You’s’ from supporters.

Supporters, advocates, fans and ambassadors – Thank you for joining the team determined to succeed with “50 Million Strong by 2029.” Thank you for acknowledging the unique opportunity that health and physical education teachers play in the movement toward a healthier nation and world. We look forward to partnering with you and your community and continue expressing our gratitude and appreciation to teachers everywhere for all that they are doing to serve America’s youth.


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