It Takes a Village to Make 50 Million Strong by 2029

I wasn’t at the SHAPE America Convention in 2015 when the 50 Million Strong by 2029 commitment was announced. I missed the emotional convention hall moment that physical education teachers attending received. In my mind, I imagine it similar to a political convention where groups of like-minded people cheer on a passionate speaker introducing a new life-changing idea.

But I heard about 50 Million Strong after the event. A friend of mine told me about it and while I wanted to feel the energy, my first reaction consisted of adjectives like unattainable, improbable, idealistic, and vague. It wasn’t that I didn’t share the vision that SHAPE America leaders were aspiring to, it was that I didn’t see how the change could happen. I thought to myself, so many great teachers are working hard every day, how is this 50 Million Strong slogan going to make a difference?

Nonetheless, while I still wasn’t really certain about my role in the commitment, I decided to use the 50 Million Strong slogan to promote my 1st Annual Family Fitness Night. At the beginning of the night, I did my best to explain SHAPE America’s 50 Million Strong commitment and our school program that was committed to creating “380 Southdown Strong.” The night was a huge success. Students, parents and the administration were intrigued and excited. I was ecstatic. I had seen the light!

For the last 27 years, I have been content to walk the walk and talk the talk with my students within my classroom. I’ve never been one to preach to the masses about what goes on in my lessons. I am embarrassed to say there are times I am reluctant to talk about my profession at all because of the negative stereotypes that are perpetuated by the media, and sadly by some of my professional colleagues.

SHAPE America and the 50 Million Strong by 2029 commitment have given me a conversation starter! This simple slogan has made it okay for me to talk with pride about what happens in my gymnasium. It has also made me realize that educating my K-4th graders will not be enough to create 50 Million Strong. I will need to begin changing the way our community views physical education’s role in the educational system.

It’s going to take a village to get “all of the nation’s children physically active, enthusiastic and committed to making healthy lifestyle choices.” ( All of America’s dedicated and passionate physical educators and health educators will need to go beyond their classrooms and out of their comfort zones to educate the adults of our 50 million students if we are going to achieve 50 Million Strong in the next 14 years.

We all have to realize that our students’ lives don’t only occur in the periods of a school day. Physical education and health education should not begin and end when the school bell rings. We need to be the leaders in our schools for change. We need to create opportunities for students to understand what a healthy choice is and give them opportunities to experience the benefits of healthy choices in all of their daily settings.

So with all of this in mind, here’s my 7-step action plan:

  1. Share the 50 Million Strong by 2029 commitment with my colleagues:
  • PE Educators
  • Principal
  • Teachers
  • Superintendent
  • Board Members
  1. Develop family events to share the commitment:
  • Family Fitness Night
  • Jump Rope for Heart
  • Family Walks
  • Halftime Shows
  1. Create before, during, and after school physical activity choices:
  • Fuel Up to Play 60
  • Mile Clubs- Mileage Club
  • Activity equipment bags for recess
  • Find indoor recess activity alternatives
  1. Join Let’s Move Active Schools
  2. Read the Kinesthetic Classroom
  • Apply for grants for Kinesthetic Classroom furniture
  • Provide PD’s for classroom teachers on brain boosts
  1. Preach to the Choir
  • Share a Tip on Shape America
  • Conference Presentations at Zone, State, District and National Conventions
  1. Find ways to reach others
  • #hashtags for parent groups on Twitter

I believe that by educating my village and empowering others to educate their village:

Unattainable becomes attainable
Improbable becomes likely
Idealistic becomes realistic

I would love to hear how others plan to commit to 50 Million Strong. Please share your action plan with me and others in the comments section below or on Twitter @lynnhefele #50millionStrong. Together, 50 Million Strong by 2029 is truly doable!

  1. Lynn, Thank you for sharing these practical actions that ambassadors of the 50 Million Strong movement can take to make it a reality in 2029.

  2. Wow Lynn, SPOt ON! Yes, we will need to educate our 50 million’s parents! Thanks for that reminder and inspiration!

  3. Lynn, you rock, girlfriend! Standing up for what I believe in has never been hard for me. If we all work together, imagine what 2029 will look like for our future! You rock!

  4. Lynn, This is a great article and I am so very happy that you shared it. You have inspired me and your great ideas are so attainable! Now, it’s action time at our local level!

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