Marketing Physical Education

Think about your favorite restaurant. What is it about that particular restaurant that makes it your favorite? Chances are it is the combination of quality products, good service, and a great atmosphere that keeps you coming back for more. If any one of these three areas were below standard would you return? You’d probably think twice before recommending the restaurant to your friends.

Now think about your physical education program. Your students may or may not have a choice whether or not to frequent your classroom, but if you are trying to promote your program, then satisfying customers should be your first order of business.

First, take a look at your product. Do you have a quality physical education program that has a variety of skills on the menu? Although students often seem to prefer to play certain games, remember that they only know what they have experienced. Varying your content and using a variety of strategies, technology and also differentiating the instruction will keep students from getting bored and will motivate them to move with purpose. Furthermore, students who find your classes intellectually as well as physically challenging will be more likely to talk about, “What they did in PE today,” to their parents.

Next, what is the service like in your gymnasium? Teachers have a variety of classroom management techniques. While safety and order must be considered when teaching, the focus of the class needs to be about meeting each student’s social, emotional, physical, and cognitive needs. Take a moment to virtually step into your own classroom as a student. Ask yourself if you would want to be taught or disciplined with the language and tone of voice that you use. Students who feel safe from verbal and physical harm in your classroom will enjoy their PE experiences and sing your praises for the rest of their lives.

How about the atmosphere? While this may sound silly, students, parents, other teachers, and administrators will often think that you are a fabulous teacher simply because when they walk by the gym the decor is visually pleasing. Posters, word walls, colorful equipment and a fun variety of music, create a welcoming setting for a fabulous movement experience.

Realistically, few restaurants become successful simply by just opening their doors for breakfast and closing them after dinner. Getting patrons through the door takes different types of marketing. If you are trying to promote your PE program to parents and administrators, you are going to have to go the extra mile. Just because your students are not in your classroom, doesn’t mean that you can’t continue to provide them with learning opportunities they can access at other times of their day.

For example, do you have a school PE website? Any successful business in today’s market has a website to advertise its products. And if you do, what’s on it? Your website should have your students’ schedules and the class expectations so that parents know how to prepare their children for your classes. Likewise, if your curriculum and grading policies are clearly defined and available, parents can support your lessons at home while you are teaching a unit in class. Provide a web page for students with enrichment links and activities and provide a page for parents with links to community sports leagues, physical activity programs, and educational information that they can explore. Also, continually posting photos and videos will keep everyone regularly coming back to your site.

Traditional types of advertising can be as effective as new technology. Take ownership of a bulletin board in a hallway and/or the cafeteria: Anywhere that students, parents, and administrators will see it. But make sure to change your bulletin board at least bi-monthly. A bulletin board that is faded with torn pictures is worse than no bulletin board at all. Display pictures of students in action and have educational information in large age-appropriate text.

Does your school put out a newsletter or any regularly scheduled communication to parents? If so, you need to contribute. Use the communication to focus on a specific grade level, class, lesson, educational topic, or event. Have it proofread for spelling and grammar. One spelling mistake takes the focus off your program and onto your credibility as a teacher.

Specials!!! Every restaurant has specials to give their menu some added punch. It’s never a meatloaf or a pot roast but rather a Bouillabaisse or Crème Brule. What is your specialty? Advertise it! Whether the event takes place during or after the school day, inviting parents to your class to see what you’re teaching and how much their children are learning is invaluable. Use all the bells and whistles: decorations, music, and student ambassadors to seat or serve the parents are just a few ways to make the event special. Don’t feel like you have to do this on your own. Partner with a school, community, or charity organization to increase your exposure. High school clubs like the National Honor Society and Key Clubs are required to do community service. Join with other teachers to do cross curriculum events or the PTA to do family events. Jump Rope for Heart and other charities are always eager to sponsor events in schools.

Finally, networking and establishing relationships is the single most important and effective way to promote your PE program. Many different people will walk by your gym and see children having fun (at best) or organized chaos (at worst). If you don’t speak out about what to expect from a quality PE program, your program may be viewed as little more than an extension of recess. Take every opportunity to speak out about what’s new in your program. Ask to speak at back-to-school night, PTA, school board, and faculty meetings. Get to know the parents of your students by being available and visible at parent/teacher conferences and attend other special events.

I encourage you to learn to use the latest technology to promote your program. For example, is a social networking site for teachers, students, and parents. You can connect with your students online as though they were in your classroom. Parents can view their students’; work through a parent portal. You can also connect with other physical education teacher groups. Videotaping apps such as the Coach’s Eye allow you to send video clips of student performance to parents. For the not so tech friendly, remember that you can always send home positive notes and certificates and make “Sunshine Calls” to highlight exceptional student skills and behaviors.

Marketing your program is work but if you are passionate about what you do and truly believe that you make a difference in a child’s life, it is well worth the effort. In this era of cuts, it may also help to preserve your program and job. Marketing is not just for businesses. The next time you are at your favorite, restaurant, clothing store, sports club or social event, take a closer look at how they promote themselves and consider how something similar might work for you!


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